

The 世界杯app软件推荐 Certificate Program consists of our Salisbury Certificate of the 艺术, STEM卓越证书, 以及我们的全球视野研究证书.  

我们的证书课程是我们的学生在他们大三和大四的时候对所选择的学科进行“深入研究”的承诺, 最终在一个顶点的演讲和投资组合.  学生 who complete the program will be recognized with a certificate and cord on Class Day, 成绩记录在他们的成绩单上, 并在毕业典礼上致谢.   而重要的是,所有年级的学生和家长回顾这些信息,因为他们期待着在NDA即将到来的几年, our sophomores will need to make a decision regarding a commitment to the program by early winter. This timely commitment will ensure that the certificate coordinators can review their extra-curriculars, 课程的选择, 和GPA.
